I am a sound designer who has worked mainly in film and theatre, realizing soundtrack or stage sound with the means of designed sounds and music as well as their technical realizations, which in the case of theatre can be designing the “aural architecture” of/with/within the given space. I find all of these means to be related unseparately, thus I prefer to have the ability to work on all or at least be in close communication with the regarded professions.

For film, theatre and other media I do:
sound design, dialogue editing, foley, sound mixing,
(electronic) composition, audio coding,
realization of interactive systems and electronics building/soldering.

My first studies were new electronic music composition and pop music composition at the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen, Germany. I completed a bachelor’s degree in Electrotechnical and Sound Engineering in Graz, Austria, where I started doing projects as a theatre musician and sound designer. Currently, I study a master’s program in Sound Design at ZHdK in Zurich, Switzerland, where, besides working on another broader perspective, I focus on film sound postproduction and on dramaturgical questions in both film and theatre. I live and work in the Ruhr area.